Lower Body Rx Series
C$29.99 Regular Price
C$2.99Sale Price
Do you suffer with:
- Low Pain Pain, Sacro-Iliac Joint Pain & Poor Posture- Sciatica, Referred Pain Down the Leg, Hip/Glute Pain
- Runner's Knee, IT Band Tension, Thigh & Knee Pain
- Shin splints, Calf Pain, Plantar Fasciitis
If you answered yes to any or all of the above then this Lower Body Rx series includes the Lower Back, Hip & Glutes, Knee & IT Band, and Calf, Shin & Foot Rx's for you to have a more complete program immediately available to you.
Each Rx includes the Top 6 at-home exercises and self-massage techniques and the Top 5 Nutrition & Lifestyle Tips to relieve your muscle stress, tension and pain, as recommended by Jason Barlow, RMT.