RMT Reveals Secret to Back Pain Relief without you Spending $$$!
Updated: Nov 19, 2020
- Discover the easiest exercise to relieve your back pain caused by bulging discs, muscle spasms or trapped nerves so that you can get back to leading your normal activities.
- Learn how to naturally and instantly unload your lower back which means you can get pain relief to your nerves and muscles.
- Decompression tables and multiple therapies can become expensive - this exercise is FREE which means you can save yourself money, time and frustration!
Now you can listen to me on the go. I've just released my new Playbook for Pain Relief Podcast. With new episodes Monday-Friday every week, I'm here as your therapist to share my insights to help you transform your stress, tension and pain into health, happiness and vitality. Click on the image to listen in!
Common Symptoms - Low back pain (a.k.a. lumbago) - Sciatica
- Muscle stiffness and soreness - Difficultly sleeping - Hip pain - Motor weakness
- Pain upon coughing, sneezing and/or whilst bearing down during bowel movement - Shooting pain into the hips, legs and/or feet - Numbness and tingling to the hips, legs and/or feet
Anatomy of the Spinal Discs

Recall from last weeks article that we have 23 vertebral discs that are contained within the spinal column. My focus today is concentrated on the lumbar vertebral discs between L1-L2, L2-L3, L3-L4, L4-L5 and L5-S1.
This image to the right is illustrating a rather worse case scenario of a bulging disc that is creating an unnecessary (and unwanted) pressure to the structures outside it's normal space. Commonly, with enough of a bulge, this disc will be applying pressure

to the nerve tissue that forms the lumbar plexus. This is a network of nerves that travel from the spinal cord to the lower abdominal wall and legs - see image to the left. The bottom line is that with any kind of impingement or pressure it can lead to pain and immobility over time.
The good news is that if you are currently asymptomatic (no pain) and follow the principles I share in this article and the related articles I list below, along with my book The 15-Step Playbook for Pain Relief, you can work proactively and prevent these conditions from even arising.
If, however, you are already suffering with low back pain then the other good news is that, very often, these conditions can be improved and relieved through these same approaches.
To gain some further insight, I highly recommend to have your spinal alignment evaluated along with diagnostic imaging to determine the current health of your spine and pelvis. Spinal conditions such as spondylosis, spondylolisthesis, scoliosis, degenerative disc disease and several others, can be determined through these incredible technologies and a suitable plan for your specific needs can be addressed.

If you suffer with a spondylolisthesis or hyperlordosis (excessive inward curve in the lumbar spine), then this exercise wouldn't be needed as your spine is already in a large amount of extension. For these conditions, I recommend to review my blog posts listed below the video. Follow my 5-step approach below. This week I focus on the corrective exercise known as the McKenzie Push Up. For more information about steps 1-4, please review my previous blog articles.
Restoring Balance in 5-Steps
Move - increase your body temperature and blood flow to all your muscles.
Massage - using a partner, lacrosse ball or foam roller to agitate the muscles.
Mobilize - move the joints in their full range of motion.
Stretch - focus on lengthening the short-tight muscles.
CORRECTIVE EXERCISE - focus on strengthening the long-weak muscles.
This week I'm teaching you how to use the McKenzie Push Up as a corrective exercise to realign your spine, and release tired and tense muscles.
My prescription is to perform this for 5-10 repetitions for every 1-hour of sitting. The more pain you have, the more serious you need to be about it (and will likely be motivated!). Intensity is the shortcut to results. In this case, the intensity comes from the amount of repetitions you perform throughout your day, to counter the volume of hours you are loading the spinal discs through sitting and standing.
You may also enjoy reading these related blog posts: Little Known Way To Get Back Pain Relief How to Quickly Eliminate Back Pain Without Being Held Hostage By A Herniated Disc The Digestive Health Personal Checklist Every Back Pain Sufferer Needs On Their Side
Yours In Muscle Health,
Jason Barlow, RMT

P.S. Download my FREE eBook The 15-Step Playbook for Pain Relief!
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