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Writer's pictureJason Barlow, RMT

WOW! How to fast-track your Sales And Marketing results ... Guaranteed!

"You can always get more money but you can't get more time!"

As a business owner and entreprenuer your time is precious!

Please invest 5-minutes to read my article which ultimately can save you many hours of time and frustration, and which will teach you how to take your business to new heights!


During this COVID shut down I had the opportunity of time to review my business and reevaluate a few things.

I'd been advised a couple of years ago that I should offer online booking for my patients but I was so comfortable with my hand written black diary, I didn't want to change. Then COVID hit and my faithful black diary vanished and has not been seen since.

So I decided to take a leap of faith and research my options for online booking programs. I sifted through a whole bunch of free trials including Calendly, Jane App, HubSpot, SalesForce, Monday and Acuity. While listening to best-selling author Brendon Burchard speak, I heard him mention a company called Keap and I never looked back.

I discovered they offer three tiers - Keap Grow, Keap Pro and Infusionsoft. After connecting with Keap's professional and knowledgeable staff, I decided on Keap Pro as the best fit for my business needs.

Keap Driving Your Business!

Keap is a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system with an inbuilt robot that is awaiting your commands to customize it to your business. This was the #1 selling feature to me - to be able to have systems in place that run 24/7 without me having to manually invest time and energy to repeat the same tasks.

Like anything there is a learning curve initially. That's why Keap provide an onboarding, virtual one-on-one coaching program to help you uncover the power at your fingertips.

Here are some of the features which have already brought immense benefit to my small business and, I feel confident to say, that will help me grow to a bigger business!

The Simplicity of Online Booking

If you've not had chance to book your massage with me recently, firstly - why not?, and secondly, here is the link to check out how my online calendar works with Keap Pro. Follow the link below and click on an appointment type to launch the calendar.

I'm able to customize a booking link for each type of appointment that I offer and predetermine the days/times of the week that I wish to offer those time slots. If you have multiple staff or business partners, you can also customize these for each member. All of these synchronize with your Google or Outlook calendars.

Whenever someone schedules with me, it updates my calendar in real-time and I receive a notification via email. Patient's then receive two reminders, one 24-hours before and another 1-hour before their appointment.

This has solved my past problem of patient's having to wait for me to schedule them and playing phone-, email- or text-tag in the process.

The Heart of Any Business

Your customers are the very life source of your business. I previously would use my Outlook software as my CRM. However, all it really provided was a means by which I could email my patients and, if needed, I could look up their address/phone number.

Keap's CRM goes above and beyond!

I am now 2-months into using Keap and I'm only scratching the surface. Here is a short-list of the features I've been using so far:

  • My Dashboard - provides a 1-page overview of my sales pipeline, appointments, tasks, recent activity and Google reviews.

  • Menu choices - Contacts, Tasks, Appointments, Money (send invoices, sync with QuickBooks and get paid), Broadcasts (email marketing), Pipeline, Campaigns (the heart of automation) and Reports.

  • Tags - I can add multiple tags to any patient to help identify specific characteristics which then allows me to market uniquely to them. For example, I have a Basketball tag for those who are involved in this sport in the community. In the early fall, I can send specific information about basketball injuries to those patient's with this tag and target those who would be most interested in this topic.

  • Custom Fields - I have added just a couple of these currently such as 'How did you hear about the clinic?', 'Last Patient Survey' and 'First Visit Date'. The possibilities are endless. These fields also allow me to produce specific reports and marketing campaigns to help measure the growth and development of my business.

This has solved my past problem of having to use multiple platforms such as Excel, Outlook and MailChimp.

Automation - My Word of the Year!

Other than the incredible customer service and online/phone support that Keap offers, automation was the #1 selling feature for me and I wasn't even aware of until I explored Keap's software.

Automation means that I can have sequences in place to automatically email patients, assign tasks, and send emails that nurture leads to paying customers - 24 hours a day, 7 days of the week. Using Keap's campaign builder, I can create a single campaign with just a few clicks.

Here are a couple of examples of automation campaigns I have created:

1. New Patient

When a new patient has their first massage with me, I add the tag 'New Patient' after their treatment and my personal robot gets to work. Day 1 they receive an email checking in 24-hours after their massage. Then subsequently, they'll receive an email campaign sequence at Day 4, Day 7 and Day 21 after their first massage to educate and remind them of the benefits of regular massage and a booking link to schedule their next massage.

2. Monthly Reminders

In the past, every 90-days, I used to take a few hours and manually sift through all my patient treatment cards, take note of who had not been in for 3-months, write a personal postcard and mail them out. Now with my personal robot, I have designed a campaign that monitors each patient's last treatment date and automatically emails them at certain intervals to remind them of the benefits of massage and how to book their next appointment online.

This has solved my past problem of having to remember to manually email new patients, and invest a great deal of time and effort to remind patient's to schedule their next massage.

Of Course There Is An App For That!

Finally, Keap also offer an app for my smartphone. This app provides me with a portable version of my software allowing me to communicate with my patients via email/text/phone, schedule their appointments and also includes a cool scanning tool that I can use if I have a prospective patient's business card. I can simply scan their business card, and Keap's app uploads all the information into the relevant contact fields. When I get back to my office - voila - their information is where it needs to be!

This has solved my past problem of having to wait until I get back to my office to reference my black diary for my appointment schedule and availability.

Check out this video summary of Keap's features and benefits - click me.

If you are interested in growing your business, generating more revenue and making your business automated and more efficient visit here.

Please share this article with your business and entrepreneurial friends!

If you have any questions please contact me.

Yours In Health,

Jason Barlow, RMT

P: 403-589-4645

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